“It is less bad to agitate in doubt, than to rest in error”.

Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873), "Storia della Colonna Infame".

Review your life style

We adopt the biopsychological approach to health, according to which people’s health has a physical, psychological and social component.

We consider all individuals in their entirety, appreciating all the elements that make them unique.

Cambia prospettiva…

Cambia prospettiva…

DIET: what we nourish ourselves with

That means what we nourish our mind and our spirit with, not only our body….


Reflect. Choose awarely.

To protect ourselves from toxic rhythms nowadays we have to make aware choices.

The consultancy on your wellbeing consists of:

  1. A phase of destructuring during which we try to get free from unhealthy mental schemes and habbits;

  2. A phase of reflection on our organism’s survival strategies when dealing with stress, to than  dedicate ourselves to

  3. Reconstruction of a you that is more aware, dynamic, healthy, light, content with life. A happier you!



We deal together with the obstacles that prevent us from change, why is it so difficult to change?

To put into practice the change you are looking for, it can be essential to have someone to accompany you. Don’t look back!

It is possible to face difficulties through education, discipline and support.